"If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible"- Leviticus 5:1 (NIV).
Most people have heard about the Good Samaritan Laws in regards to coming upon the scene of, or witnessing, an accident. We are required to assist or to give a statement of what we witnessed. Still, some will drive on by without stopping. People make the excuse, "I don't want to get involved." My husband and I came across a motorcycle accident on Scenic Highway 9 close to Asheville. We stopped, offered assistance and called for an ambulance. The injured man said several cars had slowed down, but driven on by. Imagine how he felt as he lay there injured and his fellow man gawked and left him there in his pain. God says we are responsible to speak up when we have seen or learned about something that is injurious to our fellow man. This is not a new sin for man; the sin was obviously there early in creation. Remember Cain's response to God when asked about Abel? "I don't know," [Cain] replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?"" (Genesis 4:9). We are all our brother's keeper.