Thursday, August 23, 2018

Closing the Door

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you"- Matthew 6:6 (NIV).

We can pray anywhere and anytime, but prayer needs to be in isolation with the Lord. Closing "the door" can be interpreted as closing the door to all outside interference. The doors of our mind creak open during prayer time: plans for the day, past events, conversations, problems, even what we want to eat; the closed door opens and our focus is no longer on the Lord. We have to close "the door" to other things when we pray. It's a discipline that gets better with practice. Praying about things, big and small, that are on our mind is different: God is the focus, He is involved. It's when we've opened "the door" that we're basically no longer praying. God is patient and merciful. I usually ask His forgiveness and return my focus to Him, closing "the door" once again. Remember...practice makes for a better prayer life and a stronger relationship with the One who wants to hear our every thought. That's the best reward of all.    

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