"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of My mouth"- Revelation 3:15-16 (NIV).
There is a scene in the movie "War Room," where an elderly woman asks a younger woman about her church attendance and her prayer life. The younger woman smiles and says she attends church often, that she doesn't pray all the time, but she assured the older woman she knows the Lord. The elderly woman ended up serving the younger woman room-temperature coffee, because that was the condition of the younger woman's spiritual life. The older, wiser, woman told her a person's spiritual condition was either hot or cold, no one likes lukewarm. Today's Scripture confirms that lukewarm is unacceptable to God; a lukewarm spiritual life ends up being spit out of God's mouth. We don't want lukewarm coffee, lukewarm love, lukewarm service, or lukewarm comfort; we wouldn't tolerate such in our life. Should God be happy, then, with lukewarm spirituality from His children? Occasional church attendance, sporadic Bible reading, skimpy prayer life, and the absence of Jesus in our day-to-day life are examples of being lukewarm. The younger woman, after the first sip of her coffee, raised her eyebrows and asked the elderly woman if she liked her coffee lukewarm. The older woman said, "No Baby, I like mine hot!" Examine your spiritual life. Is it hot? Because, God likes it hot!