"Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever"- Psalms 112:2-3 (NIV).
God's promise, to parents who respect the Lord and obey Him, is to bless their children. Blessings come in many forms: health, income, relationships, experiences, wisdom. This is God's response to the prayers of believing parents. Let's be thankful for the bowed knees of our parents. Someone probably prayed you along to where you are today. But, for those who are orphans, or children of Godless parents, God does not leave you as such; we are His children. What better parent to uphold you? Almighty God and Father: Who could love you more? This day is a blessing, a gift; you are where you are supposed to be. Your life has meaning; it has purpose! Is it non-discerned? Then trust in this: God is in control and you are the apple of His eye. We love you Abba!